Haiti is a quick two hour flight from Miami and just two-and-a-half sail days away from the largest consumer market in the world. With rising costs throughout global markets, the demands for speed to market and increased consumer and employee interest in social enterprise, companies want to do business in the Western hemisphere.
The predominant reason investors are choosing Haiti is to be close to the United States. This allows companies to dramatically cut lead times while benefitting from cost savings under the HOPE and HELP Act. Companies want to expand production into the Western Hemisphere, a global trend emerging as nearshoring, and Haiti is a competitive, but not yet obvious option for investors.
11M people with 50% under the age of 25
Proven track record with successful local and foreign investors
Duty free treatment to the largest consumer markets
Corporate tax holidays, duty free imports and more
Dramatic improvements in general infrastructure throughout the country (PAP renovated airport, CAP new international airport, new Panamax port, improved public port in PAP, expansion plans for the Cap port, new road systems connecting the entire country, 2 renovated industrial parks, 2 new industrial parks, 5 new Free Zone industrial parks, 2 new power plants (10MW and 25MW), 3 expanded / renovated hotels, 7 new hotels and so much more)
Haiti is strategically located close to the US, the largest consumer market in the world, serving as the gateway to the Americas
Without spending time in Haiti, it is hard to understand the investment opportunities. While the possibilities are endless and only limited by the imagination and the entrepreneurial spirit, we wanted to highlight the most obvious opportunities and identified growth sectors.